What is more fun and playful than glitter?! Whether it's a pop of glitter on your eyes, lips, cheeks, or nails, you will feel like a million bucks! Here are few tips and tricks to help you sparkle! Remember, makeup should never be too serious, it should be fun!
1. NYX Glitter Cream Palettes in "Violets," Bronze Goddess," &"Ocean Breeze"
$5.99 at Ulta
2.) NARS blush in "Super Orgasm"
$28 at Sephora
3.) Makeup Forever Diamond Powders
$25 at Sephora
4. Milani Jewel FX Nail Polish in "Silver," "Gold," and "Gems"
$5 at drugstores, Wal-Mart, Target
5. Makeup Forever Glitters
$14 at Sephora
6. NYX Candy Glitter Liners
$4.50 at nyxcosmetic.com
7. LA Splash Crystalized Glitter
$6.99 at Ulta
8. Urban Decay Heavy Metal Glitter Eyeliner
$18 at Ulta and Sephora
9. Violent Lips Lip Tattoos
$14.95 at violetlips.com and Ulta
- ALWAYS use cosmetic glitter when applying anywhere on the face, regular glitter could get in your eye, scratch it, and blind you
- loose glitter will not stick unless you use some type of glitter glue, cream eye shadow, or sticky base. (Too Faced Shadow Insurance Glitter Glue, Hard Candy Glitter Glue, Mac Fix + on a brush, etc.)
- to avoid looking like a shiny unicorn from glitter fallout all over your face, always apply glitter to the eyes first, then do your foundation, etc.
- you can apply a loose powder under the eyes while applying your glitter so the fallout glitter will land on the powder and can easily be swept away or you could use makeup wipes to completely remove glitter from face so that you are ready for foundation
- never sleep with glitter on your eyes, remove all glitter before you go to bed!
- make sure that you don't go too overboard with the glitter; use it on one area at a time. If you are going to do glittery eyes, then do a matte lip and vise versa.